Gunnar Lorenz
Energy Economist
My 20+ years experience in energy policy, markets and network regulation provides me with a solid foundation for dealing with all relevant issues for policy advice to both industry and policy makers alike. Whether it’s about energy markets, electricity network regulation, energy scenarios or smart grids – I’ve been there – done that.
From my academic background of studying energy economics in Cologne over my position with the European electricity industry to my last assignment as project manager for energy policy. While some issues remained mainly on the agenda since many years like network regulation, energy efficiency and emissions trading. Some items surfaced that I added to my portfolio like market design for renewables, smart grids and e-mobility.
Over the last 15+ years my good understanding of energy policy has been complemented with my activities in the field of stakeholder management, public affairs and political communication working for and advising both industry and policy makers.
During my 15 years in Brussels with the European association of the electricity industry, EURELECTRIC, I was the interface between the European electricity industry and European institutions. In this time I managed several working groups and political committees on the industry sites a and advise them on the core messages. At the same time I was representing the interests of about 3000 companies vis-à-vis the European institution in particular in the European commission and the European Parliament. My recent assignment I was placed in the Moroccan ministry for energy advising policymakers on how to formulate legislation on renewables, how to build the Moroccan energy regulator and how to structure the energy sector.
Over the last 13 years I have been responsible for recruiting and leading high performance teams and taking responsibility for their results to high-level executives.
Since my role as Head of Unit in Planning and strategic steering of projects have been a core task in my last positions. In EURELECTRIC I have initiated and supported the organization’s participation as partner in your research projects like Green eMotion (on e-mobility), Zeus (electric busses) and e-Highways 2015 (electricity infrastructure 2050 with ENTSO-E). In most of these projects my role was to coordinate activities of our member companies and recommended policy recommendations. The budget of this project were quite significant.
Doing my four years as project manager for GIZ at a managed a total of €4 million and both responsible for the planning of force follow up projects and portfolio extensions in the total of about €12 million. In my role of project manager I recruited and managed a high potential team, I planned the project strategically and conceptually, managed and planned the budget and implemented the projects on technical, content and organizational level.
Having been exposed to the political changes in the energy landscape over the last 25 years I gained a lot of experience in the political accompaniment of the intersection of renewable energies in various countries as well as the EU. My experience allows me to draw conclusions from one country/markets and to transfer them to others that have maybe followed a different path in the past. My experience they are by becomes valuable assets for those utilities, policymakers and regulators that I advised on how to connect RES to the network, how to design markets, how to incentives network companies to facilitate RES deployment.
Brokering a position between various parties or even within an organization challenged me many times in my career. In these situation my intercultural sensitivity to different positions, my understanding of the matter at stake and view for what is possible helped to come to results that served everyone concerned. Whether it is formulating messages and positions for the European electricity industry or working in the Moroccan ministry with various national institutions on renewable laws – arriving smoothly and swiftly to a result that is supported by everyone was always the focus of my work.
As Head of Unit in In EURELECTRIC I was responsible to a Steering Committees with high-level industry representatives while managing 10+ working groups with 200+ European experts from various corners of the EU. I always introduced & integrated new topics like digitalisation and e-mobility into the structure and discussions when an opportunity came. based on rigorous analysis and discussion with members I designed and implemented lobbying and communication strategies for the association. Drafted position papers and organised events to contribute to political and legislative processes on European level.
During my time in Morocco I organised several high-level seminars and study trips for Moroccan partners in cooperation with high-level European organisations like Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MedReg) and Florence School of Regulation (FSR)
Whenever there is communication the skill of present clear positions with confidence becomes important in the interactions. In Brussels I have built and maintained relationships with European policy makers, in particular European Commission, European Parliament, as well as with regulators and associations and the media always focusing on language that corresponds to the other’s expectation and background.
During my time as project manager in the Moroccan ministry I often had to present my organization or positions