

Brokering a position between various parties or even within an organization challenged me many times in my career. In these situation my intercultural sensitivity to different positions, my understanding of the matter at stake and view for what is possible helped to come to results that served everyone concerned. Whether it is formulating messages and positions for the European electricity industry or working in the Moroccan ministry with various national institutions on renewable laws – arriving smoothly and swiftly to a result that is supported by everyone was always the focus of my work.

As Head of Unit in In EURELECTRIC I was responsible to a Steering Committees with high-level industry representatives while managing 10+ working groups with 200+ European experts from various corners of the EU. I always introduced & integrated new topics like digitalisation and e-mobility into the structure and discussions when an opportunity came. based on rigorous analysis and discussion with members I designed and implemented lobbying and communication strategies for the association. Drafted position papers and organised events to contribute to political and legislative processes on European level.

During my time in Morocco I organised several high-level seminars and study trips for Moroccan partners in cooperation with high-level European organisations like Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MedReg) and Florence School of Regulation (FSR)

#facilitator #GIZ

Organised several high-level seminars and study trips for Moroccan partners in cooperation with high-level European organisations like Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MedReg) and Florence School of Regulation (FSR)