#analysis #scenarios
In 2007 I was responsible as EURELECTRIC Advisor for the scenario/modelling work for the “Role of Electricity” project. The project was undertaken in three work blocks: a) future development of energy demand and electrotechnologies, b) future development of electricity supply technologies and c) energy modelling. EURELECTRIC worked in close cooperation with a number of partners – In Modelling I collaborated with the E3MLab at the National Technical University of Athens, led by Professor P. Capros who built the energy scenarios of the European Commission at that time.
The analysis showed that electricity has the potential to contribute substantially to the three main pillars of European energy policy. It holds the key to substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions at reasonable cost to the economy, while at the same time helping to reduce oil and gas dependency.
Only a European energy policy based strongly on demand-side energy efficiency, active development of all low-carbon supply sources and active exploitation of the synergy between low-carbon electricity supply and efficient electro-technologies - especially in the heating & cooling and transport sectors - will ensure the transition to a low-carbon economy while contributing to both the security of Europe’s energy supply and the competitiveness of the economy.