
Over the last 13 years I have been responsible for recruiting and leading high performance teams and taking responsibility for their results to high-level executives.

Since my role as Head of Unit in Planning and strategic steering of projects have been a core task in my last positions. In EURELECTRIC I have initiated and supported the organization’s participation as partner in your research projects like Green eMotion (on e-mobility), Zeus (electric busses) and e-Highways 2015 (electricity infrastructure 2050 with ENTSO-E). In most of these projects my role was to coordinate activities of our member companies and recommended policy recommendations. The budget of this project were quite significant.

Doing my four years as project manager for GIZ at a managed a total of €4 million and both responsible for the planning of force follow up projects and portfolio extensions in the total of about €12 million. In my role of project manager I recruited and managed a high potential team, I planned the project strategically and conceptually, managed and planned the budget and implemented the projects on technical, content and organizational level.